
Clarity of Motherhood

There is something about motherhood that has cleared up my world, my mind, my soul.
Just like when you're exhausted and without any conflict know exactly what you can't handle
In parenthood, you no longer waver in the realm of indecision or fear
Way back, as young childless teacher, I was often offended at being told I did not "understand"
"How could I not understand such elementary concepts" I gasped...I surely knew more, for I had the fancy degrees.....
These certificates carried my pride, disregarding parents, all these potential partners.
But now as a mother of two I need nothing more than my kids' love to survive.
Conflicting days melt away in the midst of their smiles
The love I feel for them fuels me with strength and fills me with purpose
The clarity comes from this love, a fearlessness and a sheer resolve to protect always.

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