
Times Square NYC on December 30th......

We went to a diner and as always, Luke orders way too much food....he has long stopped ordering from the kids' menu. 

Look at that amazing smile.....I love his smile

Family selfie......Mom's arm is not long enough. 

Dad's selfie skills are no better.....

There are tons of people dressed up as these characters....here is Bart

A silver tin-man.....he was making a killing 

Finally, we ask a total stranger to take our picture....30 degrees....felt like a lot colder. 

The scariest Minie Mouse ladies come after us later for a TIP.....tons of them surround you....Next time I know....no pictures with them....they are like sharks...

The toy store has a ride!!! we had to wait an hour and a quarter...so we did not do the ride....

Luke's dream toys.....this one Chris and I thought would be god if we have guests....we can all break out into a fun Nerf gun shooting frenzy.....

Caught Mrs. Liberty counting her money.....way too funny not to photograph. 

Woody has put on a few pounds.....and seems like he's in an argument with his gal....

Somewhere up there is the ball....the infamous ball.....

Great skylight on the way back to my mom's in Long Island. 

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Have to know how to fight

Do you know how to fight? If you care about your relationships dare to practice fighting.  It does not really matter what you fight over.......