I am halfway done with my 3'x4' recycled paper mosaic style collage. My step-dad who is a mason has been giving me hints here and there on how to deal with some spatial-related technical issues. All paper used is 100% recycled paper from all over the house. Very exciting process.
I have begun filling in the center red spiral on one side. The bottom will be a band of orange and a band of yellow. I will then add green leaves to the tree.

Detail of the woman's body and the tree roots.

This is my paper sorting system. My daughter (1-year-old) and I spend hours punching out squares and placing them in these drawers. Well, I punch and she collects. She's very good at it.

Thanks for becoming a Follower of mine;) I so wish I had more time to devote to my Blog! So much is going on in my life right now but soon, very soon I hope to have more time!! Thank you and I love your philosophys and your art work!!! The demands of motherhood can be so demanding but stay true to yourself and your artwork-and you will always reamain full!!!!