
The Seal Story RETOLD with more details

I had one person comment on yesterday's post about how they felt sick when seeing the pictures I posted of a large crowd watching a beached seal and how we were not doing anything. 
Perhaps I should retell the story in pictures.....

Within minutes of the seal appearing, 2 park police drove to the sand and made sure no one was bothering it. Few mintes later, a helicopter flew down into the sand carrying a marine mammal volunteer who made us stand back and gave us flyers about what they do and about the Marine mammal rescue in Riverhead. They were waiting for a specialist that would be driving down from Riverhead, where there is a research center apparently, to come and possibly tranquilize it and take it to make sure it was okay. We were told not to get close for it might be sick and they do defend themselves. They also said, if it were not sick, it normally never allows humans to get so close....So it must have been sick. But before the specialist got there the seal huddled back to the sea.

A great lesson in this.....always ask questions first. And when we don't know what's on the other side we always assume the worse. Facts speak for themselves.
This is the seal
helicopter lands on the beach...notice the police car

The Marine Mammal Research and Rescue Volunteer comes out of the helicopter and makes sure we are all far enough. Hands us flyer to explain what it is they do and it informs you about what to do in case you come face to face with these animals. 
The crowd was very respectful, quiet and amazed to see such a beautiful animal so close
 Our new friend huddles back to sea as tide comes in
Luke and dad are sad to see him go for it did not get a chance to get a check up by the marine mammal specialist. 

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