
You'd love me if you knew me

We all have been there, we meet someone and right off you know they do not like you. As a teen I could not imagine anything more dreaded than not being liked. It was often like walking a tightrope, constantly trying to figure out how to make external feelings come to my favor. Forward many years later to the present and incidents like these pass leave me undisturbed. I have been there and know how it it to believe your own self-made walls more than truth and reality in order to simply shut someone out based on a few mere facts or assumptions. So when I encounter people who I immediately feel shut me out, for whatever reason, I never hold it against them for they are simply paying more attention to their assumptions than what is really there. I truly believe in my heart that in order to evolve as human beings, we need to question and begin breaking down these pre-made walls of assumption and see people for who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely true.Questioning ourselves and our perceptions and assumptions is
    daunting for many. I sometimes laugh at myself just realizing the small things that can influence me.
    Well said


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Have to know how to fight

Do you know how to fight? If you care about your relationships dare to practice fighting.  It does not really matter what you fight over.......