
Nora getting ready for a playdate (with a boy)

I was never one of those moms that dreamed of having a daughter wear cake dressed and pink bandannas. If anything, I intended to fully raise my daughter in my son's hand-me-downs and maybe at some point even photo shop the photos pink later....(kidding on that). But seriously, Never in a million years did I think I'd be dealing with so many cake-dresses, or pink everythings.

This morning, she had a play date with a friend's son and the minute she found out he was coming over she ran to get her "princess dress" and wanted her hair to be us. I am not at all worried or concerned. Instinctually, I know that the spirit of a child must be allowed to run free no matter where it leads. Ultimately all I can do is remind her every day that I think she is beautiful even without her 'princess dress" and list to her daily all the ways that she is special that have nothing to do with her looks.

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