
You Found Me...

You foundme.
YOU found ME
I keep going over the whole idea...over and over again
I'm surely dreaming
Not only that you found me, but you've been looking for ME
and 'for years'
Knowing this has warmed my entire year.
We were so pure and full of energy and wonder
I can still feel your splendorous warm smile and see your face right here, clearly, beside me as I write
You not only knew the ME before the roller coater of my life began,
but you also remember me THAT way
I have since taken a long and difficult path and come back full circle to the ME you knew when things were new and uncomplicated.
Should I share with you the dark turns my life has taken?
Could I dare lose you again if I divulge all the choices I've made in between then and now?
I could
I will
I will focus on reconnecting with you as if I just hung out with you yesterday.
Can't wait to listen to all your adventures

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