
Challenges as Fodder

 This has been a great year of connecting the dots for me. How one chooses to stitch together their life's narrative IS the number one predictor of life success. This year, I learned that God wastes nothing, nothing at all. Everyone you meet, every experience you've ever had, from your happiest moments to your most horrific experiences, from the most significant to the most minute, are ALL ABSOLUTELY essential to our development. We are in Earth School, In Earth School we can choose to allow the bad experiences to calcify into a toughened heart OR we can devour it all, consume it, piece by piece, like healthy fodder and turn every morsel into stepping stools to help us become our best selves. I feel unstoppable, not because I have lacked challenges, but because I have surpassed the most horrific challenges. True Self-pride can only ever come surpassing one's challenges and flushing them from our system in the way of consumption, digestion and elimination.....

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Have to know how to fight

Do you know how to fight? If you care about your relationships dare to practice fighting.  It does not really matter what you fight over.......